Posts Tagged ‘Genealogy & DNA’
Monday, October 26th, 2009

Blow Family Bible
Slave owners kept detailed records of their slaves’ births, and deaths, and purchases; although many of them have not survived. They often recorded these events in their family bibles along with information on their own families.
The 1715 Blow family bible records the births of slaves owned by the Blows of Sussex, and Southampton counties in Virginia. Nineteen births of four mothers are recorded from 1737 to 1763 spanning three generations. This is a goldmine of information for African American research. Descendants of these slaves can be found searching other records in the Blow Family Papers in the Swem Library in Virginia.
Tags:African American History, African American Names, African Slaves, Black Genealogy, Blow Family, Blow Family Bible, family history, family research, Genealogy & DNA, George Blow, Michael Blow, plantation slavery, Richard Blow, Samuel Blow, Slave Bill of Sale, Slave Name Patterns, Slave Names, Slave Records, slave trade, Southampton County Virginia, Sussex County Virginia, Swem Library, Tower Hill Plantation, Transatlantic Slave Trade, Virginia Plantation, Virginia Slavery
Posted in Civil War, Genealogy & DNA, Interviews, Introduction & Personal, Plantation Life, Research | Comments Closed
Monday, July 13th, 2009
Check out my article on It is an excellent resource for African American history and genealogy.
Tags:African American Resources, From Slavery to Freedom, Genealogy & DNA, George Washington, Mt. Vernon, Plantation Life, Slave cabins, Slave Community, Slave Housing, Slave Life, Slavery to Freedom, Southern Plantations, Tennessee Plantations, Washington family, Wessyngton Plantation
Posted in Book Tour & Reviews, Current Events, Genealogy & DNA, Interviews, Introduction & Personal, Plantation Life, Research | Comments Closed
Friday, June 5th, 2009

Book Signing at Missouri History Museum
My presentation at the Missouri History Museum was followed by a book signing, which was well attended. I enjoyed meeting the members of the St. Louis African American History and Genealogy Society who sponsored the event.
Tags:DNA Research, family history, family tree, Genealogical Research, Genealogy & DNA
Posted in Book Tour & Reviews, Genealogy & DNA, Interviews, Introduction & Personal, Plantation Life, Research | Comments Closed
Friday, May 1st, 2009
On March 31st I was honored to have Tuwanda Coleman interview me for the Plus Side of Nashville about the release of my book The Washingtons of Wessyngton Plantation: Stories of My Family’s Journey to Freedom. I really enjoyed being on the show. Mrs. Coleman asked how my research started more than thirty years ago, how I got a book deal with Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster and my future plans.
Tags:Ann Nixon Cooper, Atria Books, Barack Obama, black history, DNA Testing, family tree, Genealogy & DNA, News Channel 5, Plus, Plus Side of Nashville, President Obama, Roots, Simon & Schuster, Slavery, Tennessee history, Tuwanda Coleman, Wessyngton Plantation
Posted in Book Tour & Reviews, Civil War, Current Events, Genealogy & DNA, Interviews, Introduction & Personal, Plantation Life, Research | Comments Closed
Saturday, April 25th, 2009
On April 21st, author John F. Baker Jr. delivered a presentation on his new book The Washingtons of Wessyngton Plantation: Stories of My Family’s Journey to Freedom to the Greenbrier Historical Society. The program was well received and attended by nearly 40 historical society members and friends.

Baker with friends at Greenbrier Historical Society
Tags:family history, Genealogy & DNA, Greenbrier, history, Plantation Life
Posted in Book Tour & Reviews, Current Events, Genealogy & DNA, Interviews | Comments Closed